Spring currently serves as the Director of Transit Policy & Planning at DMOI. She is a key liaison between the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), DC Council offices, and District government agencies on operational, planning, budget, joint development and policy issues. In 2022, Spring accepted the role of chair of the Metropolitan Council of Governments Public Transportation Committee. She has served as the Vice Chair of the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Committee and the Secretary of the APTA BRT Standards committee. She is a 2018 APTA Emerging Leaders Program Graduate. Spring was appointed by the DC Council in 2022 to serve as a DC Alternate Member of the WMATA board. Spring has completed the District government's Capital City Fellows Program and the National Urban Fellows program. She holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from the City University of New York at Baruch and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Rochester (NY).